Nicole Harra Shares Human Resources Efforts

Published by:

Amy Henry

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Nicole Harra Team Talk

This month HealthAxis is excited to feature Nicole Harra from our Human Resources department. Nicole discusses the strides her department is making to help grow HealthAxis’ people-centric culture. She details daily experiences, upcoming events, and what she values about our company culture.

Tell us about your department.

The Human Resources department supports every individual within the organization. Our team is responsible for the employee life cycle (i.e., talent acquisition, onboarding, training and development, retention, and separation). As the HR Generalist, I am one of five team members. The remaining HR team consists of the HR Director, HR Manager, Talent Acquisition Specialist, Learning and Development Specialist.

What does an average day look like for you / your team? 

The average day is a little different for every team member. However, our work is always interconnected to make HealthAxis the best place to work.

We develop enticing offers, a competitive benefits package, and focus on building an inviting culture to attract top resources to HealthAxis. Our department pulls salary bands for open requisition, evaluates the benefits market annually to ensure we are providing the best offerings, and follows top trends to stay competitive. When we recruit from the talent pool, we look for the best of the best, but most importantly we look for an individual that can identify with our core values and be a great fit for the team/organization.

Our goal is to make the new employee experience as seamless and stress-free as possible. We have developed a comprehensive and inclusive onboarding program to make everyone feel welcomed and empowered. Within the employee journey here at HealthAxis, we are always encouraging growth and development with continuous education, goal setting, and career path development. We retain our top talent by continuously providing employees with the opportunity for advancement.

Are you looking forward to any upcoming events?

To continue making HealthAxis a better place to work, we remain focused on achieving our 2021 goals. One goal we focused on was the development of an employee recognition program. The Core Value Champions Recognition Program launched in June of 2021. Each month two stellar employees are recognized for their contributions and exemplifying one of our seven core values.

I am looking forward to the August Q3 meeting where two Core Value Champion winners will be announced live on our new webinar platform. The new platform allows every attendee to participate with live-action icons. These icons show support and praise for the nominated and Core Value Champion winners.

Are there any new developments in your department or on your team?

Since pivoting from in-office work during the pandemic, our team has been focused on developing our hybrid-work model. An in-house hoteling software is being developed for our physical office space with work-from-home surveys and educational tools released to all employees. As we study the hybrid-work model through data collection and beta testing, we gain valuable insights on what improvements can be made to continually enhance the employee experience at HealthAxis.

What do you value most about our culture at HealthAxis Group?

HealthAxis has a people-centric culture that values the happiness of employees as much as the bottom line. The organization understands it’s the employees who make HealthAxis successful.

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