Developing Care Management through Analytics

Published by:

Amy Henry

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In today’s healthcare climate, where pay for performance and shared savings models are the new norm, using analytics creates the blueprint for sound care management.  

The entire healthcare industry has realized the importance of analytics. Using real-time data to make evidence-based decisions has been a game-changer. Applying analytics has driven costs down while simultaneously improving the quality of care. This is an irrefutable fact. However, many organizations are still underutilizing the data within their possession.  

Most only look at the data once engaged in a care management program (which beneficiaries need case management, outreach, etc.). While this is vitally important, many miss the potential to construct the most efficient program for their population from its very inception. Data can guide program development to better meet the needs of the population, drive larger and more immediate savings, and deliver better healthcare to patients. 

Developing an Effective Infrastructure 

Data should be used to determine the core infrastructure of your care management model. The same data points used to administer care can also be used to develop an effective infrastructure. For example, information such as the total volume of beneficiaries in need of care management help determine adequate staffing when setting up your care management model. A care management model cannot improve the quality of care and positively affect outcomes with inadequate staffing. 

Analysis of your population will also guide the type of staff required. Data points such as the number of beneficiaries with a chronic disease or those needing a PCP will determine the level and education of care managers needed. If your population has a higher percentage with chronic diseases, a higher-level education/skill may be needed to coordinate care. 

Customizing Analysis of Your Data 

Having the ability to easily customize the way you view your data can be the difference between meeting the CMS shared savings threshold or falling short. HealthAxis’ pre-built ACO Analytics solution enables the use of over 100 pre-built analyses developed around CMS standards and easily allows for self-service, ad-hoc, and custom analytics with just a few clicks.

 FREE Proof of Concept Using Your Data 

Utilize your own data and see what insights you might be missing. Use our online analytics solution for FREE for 30 days.  

Get Started Today 

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